Category: Song

Dream to Rest

driving through upstate New York heading south to Tennessee, making for a fabled place I’ve al-ways want-ted to see. we’re going down to Memphis town to the castle of the King, to the land of delta blues where the ghosts of legend sing, we’re goin’ to visit Graceland to free my tortured soul, we’re go-ing to the birth place of the sound of rock and roll wan-der-ing through time and space, all paths lead to this place rough roads head-ing to south west, to put the dream to rest for a fire is kindled in my soul, it shall burn […]

Midnight in Vegas

It’s midnight in Vegas and the lights are shining bright. 3000 miles away, it’s a dark & stormy night I’m surrounded by the glitz and glam like a far off foreign land And I’d trade it all for one more chance to hold my baby’s hand. One more chance to say “I love you” One more chance to hold her close; to tell her how I need her, I wonder if she knows one more time I shoot the dice that’s just how it goes One more opportunity to win away my woes There’s a girl clinging too my arm, […]

Walk in the Sun

Upon the fields and the hills today The sun is shining in a wond’res way Calling out life and growths anew After a long cold winters ice so blue There are flowers and trees and love out a’bloomin A very sure sign that springs a loomin It feels as though there’s nothing you can’t do When a springtime sun is shining down on you With the warmth on your shoulders and sun in your hair And the birds singin songs with nary a care For the silly hectic world running all around And taking no notice of the soft brown […]